All My Re-Collections
Medium: Various collected objects
Dimensions: Various
Location: Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
Supported by: Ernst Schering Foundation
All My Re-Collections showcased different collections that I have been gathering throughout different periods of my life. They share a similarity in that none of them are wrapped up or resolved works. Usually, these kinds of collections of images or objects serve as an inspiration and starting point for works, but I decided to reveal them to the public. By putting them together, I wanted to discover the links that exist between them and observe the path on which they turn into finished artworks.
The oldest collection, a real treasure, is my collection of erasers. It dates back to the time when I was seven and got two erasers from France as a present. Since then I started collecting erasers. In order to truly understand the real value of my collection of erasers, one has to imagine being a kid in Soviet Georgia with the shortage of every object that was foreign and beautiful.
This exhibition presented another collection – My 8 Years in the Netherlands – which started by just going to the photo booth each time I was at the train station with someone else and registering that moment. Later I realized that it was a collection capturing key moments and people around me during my 8 years of living in the Netherlands.