I Was Silent

Medium: Performance, video, spoken word, dance, movement
Project by: Khinkali Juice
Project name: Art Without Borders
Location: ACCEA, Yerevan, Armenia
This performance took place in Armenia, Georgia’s neighboring country, where we presented a show based on personal letters and a video depicting our trip to Baku, Azerbaijan. Given the fact that Azerbaijan, another neighbor of both Armenia and Georgia, did not participate in the project called Art Without Borders because it claimed to have the main purpose of opening the borders in the region, we made critical comments through our performance. It included some politically incorrect sentences, jokes, and stereotypes that circulate within the Caucasus region. We strongly believe that without discussing and bringing tabooed themes to the light, things cannot change in the region. Important changes must happen in culture and elsewhere, as nothing worthwhile can be created or produced unless people in the region start thinking beyond their little borders.